Monday, July 28, 2014
Chubba Wubba
By the end of last week I was able to shed 4.5 pounds of the vacation weight. Sadly, over the weekend I was left alone with a chocolate zucchini cake and went to a funeral where there were leftover desserts and I gained 3 of the 4.5 pounds back. The weather looks LOVELY this week so I'll have no excuse to not work out! Saturday morning I went for a 4 mile run with my friend Susan - it felt pretty amazing to get out on the trails! After that we spent 6 hours at church for a funeral. It was a long day but the family enjoyed all of the amenities. Sunday morning we all rolled out of bed by 7 (Sleeping in by my clock!)ate a quick breakfast and spent the whole morning on yard chores. We got rid of volunteer trees and an overgrown area in our yard and took out 5 volunteer trees at my mom's, plus a BIG section of morning glory vines. I loved morning glories when I was a kid - as an adult I want to threaten them with the roundup. The afternoon was spent with a variety of errands and housework and I can proudly say ALL the laundry is caught up again - for a day!
Friday, July 25, 2014
I Must Be Missing Something
This week I have been dragging, a lot, and feeling pretty fatigued. While I have been sleeping 6 hours a night (my usual) I have struggled to get out of bed in the morning and have needed a lot of caffeine to keep going. At first I thought it was long shifts but I felt really BAD yesterday after work. Almost like I could have pulled over and gone to sleep in the car. When I got home I decided to start laundry and take my vitamins and by bedtime I felt 40% better and this morning I would say somewhere between 75% and 80%. I am wondering if this is because my nutrition wasn't as good on vacation and I did more running, so it could be a slight iron deficiency. Either way I'll get back to the vitamins! Yesterday after work I made it through housework and mowing at my mom's and got into bed relatively early.
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Five More Minutes
I have had SUCH a long week at work with new provider orientation and getting ready to transition into my new job. This morning I really didn't want to get out of bed for another long shift but I made it, even though I forgot to weigh myself and didn't get up the courage to try one of my new outfits. Yesterday I worked until 5:45 (12 hour days are LONG!), made dinner for Erik and I, mowed our house, got lawn mower gas and then did housework and chores until I collapsed into bed at 9:40. My bedtime goal for tonight is 9, we'll see if I can make it. Otherwise I might fall asleep standing up!
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Getting Back to Basics
Yesterday I was able to get off a little earlier than expected so I tossed together a batch of cocoa bananas oatmeal, feasted on leftover pizza and then ran some errands with Erik. We finally have groceries again, the Highlander got its oil change and we are trying We B Poppin' Popcorn for the first time. So far it's pretty tasty - I'm planning for a bowl of the half salt tonight. After dinner (Brian grilled turkey burgers) we went to the Y for some lifting and then took the dogs for a walk through the cemetery. It was in the 80s with a cool breeze so a little warm but MUCH better than Monday. It's hard to believe that we only have three weeks with Erik before he goes back to campus so I'm trying to enjoy every minute!
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Bad Excuses for Missing a Workout
I have been a slacker the last week, part of it was vacation but I really just need to get back on the horse! While we were in Ely I got in two amazing runs and a couple long walks - but my Fit Bit Report came this morning and I was down 40,000 steps last week and I gained a whopping 8 pounds while we were in the north woods. I have decided not to tackle the Triathlon on August 3. I am undertrained and scared, so I will commit the next several months to training and do a fun event next spring. Yesterday I worked just over 11 hours, made dinner, did laundry, went to the grocery store and got Erik a splint for his Tennis Elbow. After all that I didn't want to lift weights or swim and with a heat index of 105 it was FAR too hot to walk the dogs so I crawled into bed. It is time to suck it up and remember that too hot and too cold can be remedied in the same way - and we have a HUGE basement I can exercise in. Today is a new day and tonight I'll get in some exercise - I always feel better after I sweat and pant a bit!
Monday, July 21, 2014
An AMAZING Week at the Lake
Our week in Ely was AMAZING! Our rainy days happened early in the week. We slept in until 8:10 one morning (that might still sound early to some people but I usually get up at 4:30 so 8:10 is like noon in my world). We tried to pick blueberries but didn't have much success since the "secret" spot has had some environmental changes. The water was SO cold this year - the lake still had ice Memorial Day weekend so the fish were still waking up; the bugs weren't as bad as they usually are and the nights were cold enough for two blankets! We enjoyed LOTS of family time with cribbage, Cards Against Humanity and Apples to Apples and watched the final game of the World Cup with cousins! It was a great week and Brian and I really got to relax since this was our first time in 6 years without homework!
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Take a Suit - or Six
Last night I packed running clothes, swimsuits, books and magazines for vacation. I have a LOT of swimsuits right now with preparing for the tri - and the sale that the hospital did last year with $10 suits helped a bunch. I had planned to take 4 swimsuits but at the last minute went with 6. Afterall, it’s a week at the lake! Tonight is going to FLY by with a long to do list and a few too many commitments. Last night Brian's parents brought over pizza for dinner and we had ice cream cake to celebrate his birthday. It was a perfect way to get a celebration in without losing the evening at a restaurant. It also saved time that allowed us to run to Target for a few last minute items.
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Long Walk/Short Night
Working open to close every day this week with a miserable cold is wearing me down.... and making me cranky - really cranky, almost too difficult to be around cranky. Last night after work I raced home and threw a frozen pizza in the oven since we have been working hard to eat the leftovers. Then I hacked open a cantaloupe and made some kale chips. After Erik and I ate I took the dogs up to pay the cable bill. We saw three different dogs and they did surprisingly well. Brian had to stay at work late to work on the Highlander. We had something chew on the wiring harness so he and a co-worker stayed late to replace the wiring. Thank goodness we knew someone with experience! After our walk I packed the pantry for vacation and the dog sitters came over. Hopefully we can get through the rest of the last minute stuff tonight and then tomorrow will be packing only.
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
I HATE Summer Colds
Since I quit smoking in 2008 I RARELY get sick so when a nasty cold comes on it makes me a very cranky bear. We were in a lot of different places and exposed to a LOT of people this weekend so I suspect that is where I picked it up. Last night I thought my head and nose would explode with mucous and this morning I still feel pretty foggy. Hopefully I can do another day with plenty of liquids, Sudafed and ibuprofen and have it kicked before we go on vacation. There is nothing worse than being sick at the lake! Last night after work Erik and I feasted on leftovers, took the dogs for a walk and then I met my friend Tami for a pedicure. I now have lovely purple/pink toes and I was surprised that there is still some bruising from the half marathon - almost 2 months ago. Hopefully that will resolve without me losing any toenails. Before bed I took a shot of Nyquil and had the most interesting dreams about running. Maybe that means I'm ready to start my full training program again!
Monday, July 7, 2014
A Very Busy 4th
I know that it will surprise people that we had a busy 4th of July! Thursday night we enjoyed our time at the Fletcher's and then tried to keep the dogs to a dull roar. Friday morning we got ready to host Brian's parents and grandparents for lunch and my mom and Roger for dinner. It was a day full of grilling but we had a good time. Saturday morning Brian and I rode to the zoo and back in the rain and then mowed all three yards. We were completely exhausted by the end of the day and Sunday was church, laundry, dog washing and cleaning. The dogs went to The Canine Scrub for the first time - the tubs were awesome but they have so much anxiety with other dogs it was pretty challenging. After their baths we slipped to Petsmart to get their nails done and then home for time with the feeder ball. By the end of the afternoon they were like tired toddlers and couldn't stop barking and whining. This week will be SUPER busy getting ready for vacation - and I seem to have caught a summer cold - which is totally unfair. Hopefully it will be over soon!
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Rest and Reboot
My right quad has been SORE and tight all week this week so I skipped my usual Wednesday long ride and spent the evening doing laundry, getting a haircut and taking the dogs for a walk through the cemetery. Today I am planning to walk them again and lift weights but I will skip my run. It's hard to believe that 5 years ago today was the first time we slept in our house =) It was on the floor with the TINY 13 inch television and not a lick of furniture but it was a fun and happy night! This weekend is completely booked, but hopefully we'll be able to get to bed early a few times and get things ready so we can go on vacation!
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
A Beautiful Evening
Yesterday when I (finally) got off work we had the most lovely, and unseasonably cool day. It was in the mid to upper 70's so I quickly hopped on my bike for the quick 6 and then Brian grilled Hawaiian pork chops, a foil pack of zucchini, and fresh pineapple spears while I made rice. After a delicious dinner Brian spread 25 bags of mulch in the flower beds on the front and back of the house and I took the boys for a walk through the cemetery and then helped him with weeding. It was a quick but productive night and now we are closer to being ready for the holiday weekend!
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
A Hot Home Cooked Meal
Monday was a WILD and busy day at work. When I got off (earlier than I expected) I stopped at Trader Joe's for a few extra things for the week and then mowed at my mom's and trimmed a BUNCH on one of the trees in our front yard. For dinner we had turkey quinoa meatloaf, mashed potatoes, kale chips and the most delicious cantaloupe. After dinner and dishes Brian and I packed up for weight lifting at Cooper. It was a good night for the equipment - not too busy but enough to people watch. I am officially benching 48 pounds - which doesn't sound very exciting - but I can do it 30 times - and my muscles are fatigued when I'm done. I think all the weight training is making a difference in the way that my body feels and looks, and according to our fancy scale I am almost 30% muscle - which is pretty good I think! My body fat percentage is continuing to drop - my real goal is another 15%, but I would love to go down another 25%. After we got done we took the boys for a walk through the cemetery and then I had a little dessert and hit the sack. This week is SO overbooked. I'm looking forward to the 3 day weekend!
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