Monday, October 26, 2009

Yawn and Stretch

We spent all day (no seriously, like 8am until midnight) at Seacrest Field with the LSE Band Booster's hosting the Nebraska State Bandmaster's Association Competition. Aside from a few bursts of rain it was a GREAT day. We recruited friends and family to come help us while the Marching Knight's went to Omaha for their part of the competition and as far as I know everyone had a great time. Sadly, none of the Lincoln schools (not even LSE) received superior ratings.

Yesterday was spent on church and homework and the rest of the week may be a bit of a blur. Erik is off on school break and looking forward to some relaxation and time attached to the TV and video games. Later in the week he will be going with the church youth group to play laser tag and go bowling. Friday the LSE marching band will be playing for the first playoff game.

On a humorous note we moved the dog over last night, if you'll remember he is the one we built a fence for! He seems to like the house and has already reserved space for himself to sleep next to Brian's side of the bed on the floor, Brian is adjusting well so far. This morning we let the dog out at about 5:30 while I was getting ready for work. A few minutes later the cat, who is generally quiet and reserved, started yowling and screaming. Brian raced out to the kitchen to make sure that she hadn't gotten hurt or caught by something only to find that she was announcing for us that the dog was ready to come in. Our life is very much like a circus these days.

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