Monday, November 23, 2009

Our Fridge has a Shelf of Turkey!

Three more days until there is a whole houseful of family =) While Erik's room isn't ready yet (sorry monkey!) the living room will now accomodate a 10 foot table and the kitchen is all the way ready to receive the table that will live there permanently so we're ready for the holidays. Last night we went coupon crazy at Russ's Market and got our turkey's (one 12 pound and one 15 pound), the rest of the cheese and a little bit of soda.

Tonight I'm heading to the eye doctor and Brian will shuttle me home for a nap afterwards. I hate to get my eyes dilated. After dinner we both have homework to tackle and, weather permitting, we'll get a few more things in from the garage. The most remarkable thing that happened over the weekend is that we now have a working closet =) We both have all our clean and unpacked clothes hanging up and able to be accessed and Brian told me last night that once we move in two more pieces of furniture we'll be able to park one of our cars in the garage. How awesome is that??? If you are coming over for Thanksgiving make sure and tell Brian you noticed how clean the gutters are, he spent a lot of time over the weekend on a ladder.

Last chance reminder - if you are alone on Thanksgiving or don't want to make dinner for 10 for a family of three or four just give us a call. The more the merrier =) We have plenty of food and we can always add a table in the basement.

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