Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Get out your bikes!

As part of the pre-wedding fun we are going to be having a fun bicycle ride the day before, Friday September 4 (time TBA). This ride is just another way we have come up with to have some fun. We will be riding from our house to the Lincoln zoo and back. Round trip is about 7 miles. I know that sounds like a LONG ride to some of you, but I assure you that we'll have so much fun with it that you'll get done and go WOW I DID IT!!!!!

We are talking about different things we can do for the riders who join us. One of the things we've thought about doing is giving out "ride t-shirts". If you would be interested in riding with us, let us know, and if you would like to have a shirt to go with it, let us know that too. If there is enough interest we'll get something arranged with the shirts. Please let us know by July 4th if the shirt is an interest to you. Just shoot me an e-mail at and let me know!

For those of you who are traveling to the wedding, and don't want to bring your bike, or who don't have a bike, we have a few options. We have some "spare" bikes that you could ride. Also we are working with at least one local bike shop, who rents bikes by the 4 hour time frame all the way up to weekly rentals. There are other bike shops around who offer rentals as well. Let me know at the e-mail address above if this applies to you!

If you are interested in a longer ride, there have been some discussions on that. Shoot me an e-mail and we can start talking about options for that as well.

For those of you who are reading this and saying something like "not on your life", really it will be a lot of fun!!!! We won't ride super fast (unless you want to), the route is 98% converted rail-road, paved trail, with cross walk lights at every major street. The whole goal with this is to have fun, and we intend to do it! :)

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