Wednesday, February 26, 2014

90210 Slumber Party

I realized that I never even talked about my Monday workout I was SO annoyed with the scale! Monday I did Tracy Anderson's Beginner for the first time. I was surprised that it is a COMPLETELY silent workout. She's talking, but there is no other sound and she talks about working out and not watching television, reading a book, etc. Since I much prefer to exercise outside I totally get it! The workout didn't seem hard while I was doing it but my entire body was HOT afterwards and my hip flexors were killing me yesterday. Last night when I got home I changed into spring running clothes (an orange shirt and peachy shorts) and headed down for a run in the basement. The Songza and I are working on our relationship - I started with a 90's dance fest and eventually traded it for a 90210 Slumber Party. I'm not sure why I like to run to a bunch of old Rap and Hip Hop but it definitely keeps me moving. The last two laps the dogs spread out to become basset hurdles. I am going to start incorporating more pictures into the blog. Even though the weight isn't coming off it was cool to wear the spring running clothes because this is the first time they have ever fit - and I bought them 2 years ago!!!!!

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