Friday, January 10, 2014

A Little 90's Music Helped Pump up my Workout

The scale is NOT moving right now. I suspect it's because there are still goodies in our house so I'm sampling a little chex mix, eating a handful of dried apples or even a hunk of bread with a little dip, hummus or butter. At any rate - yesterday I decided to get in my full 10,000 steps with the Fit Bit and do an entire hour on the trainer. My phone was cranky yesterday afternoon and Netflix and the Chromecast didn't want to work together so I ended up switching over to Songza and rocking out to 90's dance hits the last 25 minutes on the bike. I sang along to KLF, Technotronic and Madonna until Brian came down to talk to me while I finished the work out. Saturday we are helping to host a going away party for my co-worker Sheree - some of you may remember her as the red head from our wedding =) She is leaving us for warmer parts and will move to Arizona on Wednesday. This afternoon I need to work out and clean house so that tomorrow I can exercise, cook and do homework. It looks like we'll have nice weather the next several days so it will be time to walk the hounds! Tomorrow is two short weeks until graduation and 6 weeks until the official end to classes - can that really be true????

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