Thursday, March 20, 2014

My 600 Pound Life

On Wednesday nights I do an hour on the trainer - coincidentally, it is usually the same hour that My 600 Pound Life is on The Learning Channel. Last night's episode involved a nearly 600 pound woman who was convinced that she would have the surgery, change none of her previous behaviors and become magically thin. She would set lofty goals with no plans to achieve them, refused to participate in physical therapy and readily adopted the role of victim. She acted as though the weight had been added to her body by another person and not through her own bad habits. She spent the last 30 minutes justifying the reasons that she was a better parent than someone who was active since she was always available to her son. It was the oddest episode I have watched and she was eventually kicked out of the program. The last part showed her around Thanksgiving consuming plate after plate of food. I was glad to have had a double workout! When I got off work I walked the dogs an hour while Brian rode an hour outside and after dinner (fish, asparagus, sweet potatoes, salad and strawberries) I put in my trainer time. While the show definitely keeps me pedaling, this episode was so sad to watch!

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